
A mysterious portal has plunged you into the void! Where did you come from, and what were you doing? Who knows! All that matters now is that you Escape the Void!


  • WASD / Arrow Keys: Move character.
  • Space / C: Jump or Grapple (if airborne near a grappling point).
  • Shift / X: Dash.
  • Escape: Restart the game.

Godot Wild Jam #69

This game was developed as a submission to the Godot Wild Jam #69.


The dash ability has a cooldown to meet the "Give Me a Minute" key

The game starts by throwing you out of a portal and ends with you returning to that same portal. This was inspired by the "Memory Lane" wildcard.

I did not implement the "What's This" wildcard.


All sound assets either from the GDC24 asset pack or recorded on my own.

The portal uses the CC0 godrays shader from

All art assets were drawn by me in Krita.

The game was written in Godot.

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